Originality is undetected plagerism.

Thursday, February 13, 2003

Not good...

It is a sad sad thing. I have two computers, both grossly overpriced. They are both three years old, the laptop a compaq and the desktop an hp. And they both went into the crapper last week. I have not yet worked on a laptop, or even seen one open, so im a little nervos to investigate myself. The desktop I am hoping to fix tonight. I pt a new soond card in it and now the network card wont work. So I have not been online lately. Inclding writing my little sis who probably thinks I'm mad at her becase of something stpid I did, or rather said. Bt she knows I love her, and that sometimes i'm an ass and I jst can't help myself. And I am. At times. Anyways, I've had my weekly dose of hmility, now on to satrday. David Gray, Saturday night in the city. I think I'm going to have to let loose for awhile. I'm going with a friend. I'm taking Bart (the bay area's light rail train) into the city, and then a cab to the arena. I'm also taking my flask, some buds, and a little sumpin', sumpin' else. Should be a great night. I plan on being rather early, as the seating is general admission. I will be as close as possible to David. :)
I love San Francisco. It's got such a great feeling to it. The fog rolls in off the bay and stays till noon some days. It's small for a major city. But full of character. Also really expensive. I estimate my night out to be costing me abot $400. Worth it, though.